
Lehi Prophesies of the Messiah

While living in a tent in the valley of Lemuel, my father saw, heard, and spoke all these things, and many more things which cannot be written on these plates. These smaller plates, which the Lord told me to make many years after arriving in the promised land, will not contain our history. The Lord told me to make these plates for the special purpose of making an account of my people’s sacred preaching and prophesying. The first plates (larger ones) contain the history of my people—the reign of their kings, their wars and contentions. I don’t know why the Lord told me to make another set (small plates), upon which I now write, to contain only the ministry of my people, but I know it’s for a wise purpose. The Lord knows all things and has all power to fulfill His words. He prepares a way for all His works to be accomplished among His children.
