
Lehi Prophesies of the Messiah

Now I will continue this record of my ministry among my people and also finish the record of my father’s ministry.

After my father finished telling us all about his dream, and after warning Laman and Lemuel, he spoke about the Jews: “After the great city of Jerusalem is destroyed and many Jews taken as slaves into Babylon, in the Lord’s due time they will return again to the land of their inheritance. Six hundred years from the time we left Jerusalem, the Lord God will raise up a prophet among the Jews—a Messiah—even the Savior of the world. All the many prophets have testified of this Messiah, or Redeemer. All people are in a lost, fallen state, and will always be, unless they rely on this Redeemer.

“A prophet will come before the Messiah to prepare the way of the Lord. This prophet will tell the people, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight, for the Lord stands among you, and you do not know Him. He is mightier than I, for I am not even worthy enough to remove His sandals.’ This prophet will baptize the Messiah in Bethabara, beyond Jordan. After he baptizes the Messiah he will bear record that he has baptized the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world.”

My father prophesied to Laman and Lemuel, “The Messiah will preach His gospel to the Jews, who will not believe Him. Then they will kill the Messiah, but He will rise from the dead. And the Gentiles will come to know Him through the Holy Ghost.

“The house of Israel is like an olive tree, whose branches are broken off and scattered over the earth. Our journey to the promised land is the fulfilling of the Lord’s word, spoken by Isaiah, that the house of Israel will be scattered.

“In the last days, after the Gentiles receive the fulness of the Gospel, the house of Israel, or natural branches, will be grafted back into their mother tree. In other words, the house of Israel will come to the knowledge of their true Messiah, their Lord and Redeemer.”

This is how my father prophesied to my brothers. I wrote much more of what he said—things important to me—upon my large plates. But I am writing this shorter version on these smaller plates.

All these things were done as my father lived in a tent in the valley of Lemuel.

After my father had told me everything he had seen in visions by the power of the Holy Ghost—given to him because of his faith in the Son of God, I wanted to have the same experience myself. I know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The way of salvation has been prepared from the beginning, and it is available to all who repent and come to Christ. All who diligently seek the Lord will find Him, and His mysteries will be unfolded to them by the power of the Holy Ghost. This is how God deals with His children, and His ways never change. Remember this, for you will be judged by all you do. If you are wicked in your mortal life, then you will be found unclean before the judgment-seat of Christ. And since no unclean thing can live with God, you will be cast off forever to a place where God does not live.

I cannot deny these things, for the Holy Ghost has told me to write them.
