
Nephi's Psalm

Now I, Nephi, will speak about the prophecies of our forefather, Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. Joseph truly prophesied about all his descendants, and of all prophecies, there are not many greater. His prophecies, written on the brass plates, are about us and our future generations.

After my father finished speaking to his sons about Joseph’s prophecies, he called for Laman’s children. He told them, “The Lord God said, ‘If you keep my commandments, you will prosper in this land. Otherwise, you will not have the presence of my Spirit to be with you. My dear grandsons and granddaughters, I cannot die before leaving my blessing upon you, for I know that if you are taught God’s commandments, you will not forget them. If you are cursed, my blessing upon you will insure that the curse will be taken off you and put upon the heads of your parents. It will also insure that the Lord’s protection will be upon your descendants forever.”

After saying this, Lehi called for Lemuel’s children. He left his same blessing upon them and said, “Your descendants will not be completely destroyed, and in the last days they will be blessed.”

Then Lehi called for Ishmael’s two sons, their wives and children. After he had left a similar blessing upon Ishmael’s household, he said to my older brother, Sam, “Like Nephi, you will be blessed all your days. Your descendants will be blessed to inherit this land along with Nephi’s, and they will be counted as one.”

Soon after Lehi had spoken to his household according to the feelings of his heart and the Lord’s Spirit in him, he died and was buried. Not long afterwards, as I was repeating my father’s warnings to Laman, Lemuel, and Ishmael’s sons, they became angry with me because they did not want to hear any more of the Lord’s warnings. But the Lord’s Spirit compelled me to speak many things to them, just as it had compelled my father before he died.

Many of our words are written on the larger plates as part of our history. But on these smaller plates, containing a more sacred record, I write the things of my soul, and include many of the scriptures from the brass plates, for my soul delights in the scriptures as I ponder them in my heart. I write them so that my children may learn and profit from them.

My soul delights in the things of the Lord, and my heart continually ponders the many great things I have seen and heard. But even though the Lord has favored me by showing me His great and marvelous works, my heart exclaims: I am a wretched man! Because of the sins of my flesh, my heart sorrows and my soul grieves. I am surrounded by temptations and sins that easily come upon me. When I want to rejoice, my heart groans because of my sins. But I trust God, who supports me. He has led me through my afflictions in the wilderness and preserved me upon the waters of the great ocean. He has filled me with His love—even more love than my natural body could receive. He has confounded my plotting brothers, causing them to quake before me. He has heard my prayers by day, and has given me knowledge through visions by night. By day I have been bold in mighty prayer, sending my voice on high, and angels have come to me. And upon the wings of His Spirit, has my body been carried away to high mountains. I have seen great things—too great to be known out of the Spirit, so I was forbidden to write them.

Having seen so many great things, and knowing that the Lord visits His children in mercy, why should my heart and soul continue in sorrow and the strength of my spirit weaken in despair? Why should I let the devil continue to afflict my soul, to destroy my peace and have a place in my heart? Why am I angry with myself and with the devil because of the weakness of my flesh, which has given in to temptation and sinned? Awake, my soul! Stop sorrowing in sin. Rejoice, oh my heart, and make no room for the devil’s despair. Do not be angry again because of my enemies. Be peaceful and strong. Rejoice, oh my heart, and cry, “Oh Lord, I will praise Thee forever. My soul will rejoice in Thee, my God, the rock of my salvation. Oh Lord, redeem my soul. Deliver me out of my enemies’ hands. Make me shake even at the appearance of sin! May I no longer be weak to temptations, but be made strong with a broken heart and contrite spirit! Oh Lord, do not shut the gates of Thy righteousness to me, but let me walk humbly before Thee according to Thy strict principles. Oh Lord, encircle me with the robe of Thy righteousness. Help me to escape my enemies. Help me not to stumble, and slow my enemy in his pursuit of my soul. Oh Lord, I have trusted in Thee, and I will trust in Thee forever. I will not put my trust in the ways of man, because those who do this are cursed. I know that God will give liberally to all who ask, as long as they ask for what is right. All my days my voice will go up to Thee, my everlasting God, the rock of my righteousness. Amen.”
