
Nephi Continues to Read Isaiah's Words from the Brass Plates…

“Listen to me, oh house of Israel, all of you who are broken off and driven out because of my people’s wicked pastors. Listen, all of you who are scattered abroad, who are of the house of Israel upon all continents, for the Lord called me before I was born, mentioning my name before my birth. The Lord has made my words strong, but as I was growing up, He refined me in obscurity.

He said to me, ‘You are my servant of Israel, in whom I will be glorified.’ Then I replied, ‘But I have worked for nothing, laboring in vain, for only the Lord judges me, and only my God knows my works.’ But the Lord, who ordained me before I was born to be His servant to restore Jacob, said that even though Israel is not yet gathered, I will yet be glorious in His eyes, and my God will be my strength.

“The Lord said to me, ‘It is not enough that you will be my servant to raise up the tribes of Israel—Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), Judah (the Jews), and the other tribes. You will also be a light to the Gentiles (including Lds Gentiles) and thereby be my salvation to the ends of the earth.’

“The Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, said to me, a servant to those in authority, whom men despise and nations abhor, ‘Kings will take notice and arise, and princes will also worship me, the Lord, seeing my faithfulness to my people. In my own due time, I will hear the cries of the house of Israel, and through my salvation I will help them. I will preserve them, giving them you, my servant, as their covenant. You will establish the earth and cause them to inherit the desolate places. You, my servant, will say to the prisoners, “You are free,” and to those in spiritual darkness, “Come into the light.” Then all will be fed as they make their journey, finding rest in all high places. They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the heat or the sun burn them, for He who has mercy on them will lead them to the springs of water. I will make a way to all my nations, raising my highways. Then see, oh house of Israel, all those who come to you from afar—from all over the world.’

“Sing, oh heavens, be joyful, oh earth, for the people of the east will be established. Break forth into singing, oh nations, for you will no longer be broken up, for the Lord will comfort His people and have mercy on His afflicted.

“Those of Zion will say, ‘The Lord has forgotten us,’ but He will show that He has not. Just as a woman cannot forget her nursing child, neither can the Lord forget the house of Israel—even though they may forget Him. He will say to them, ‘Look at these prints upon my hands, continually before me, just as you are. Therefore, I will cause your sons to quickly drive out your destroyers. Look around, oh house of Israel, and see all your tribes gathering around you. And as I, the Lord, live, you will surely be bound together in love. Your gathering tribes will yet make the desolate places too full, even after all your oppressors are removed far away. Then your children, who will be given to compensate for your lost ones, will again say, “This place is too crowded. Give me another place to live.” Those of the house of Israel will ask, “Who has given me these children after my first ones were lost—after I was made desolate and moved from place to place? Where have these children been while I was left alone?”

“The Lord God will reply, ‘I raised up my servant to the Gentiles, setting up my standard to the people (including Latter-day Saints). Many wealthy Gentiles, including kings and queens, will take notice of your plight and greatly humble themselves before you. Then all the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord, for those who wait for me will not be disappointed.’

“Is it likely for those who have been the prey of the mighty warriors—those justly captured—to be delivered? To many it is not, yet the Lord said, ‘Even the captives of the terrible and the prey of the mighty warriors will be delivered, for I will contend with him (the Antichrist) that contends with the children of Israel, and I will save them. I will cause those who fight against the house of Israel to fight among themselves, and they will destroy one another. Then all will know that I, the Lord, am their Savior and Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.’ ”
